Artwork Scanning
The Lazarus Group uses a desktop scanner at $15/scan for small illustrations or paintings. For work over 12” on a side we will perform a digital capture at our professional photography studio partner.
The process of digital capture:
Your artwork will be captured by our professional photographer at his studio. He will shoot your art according to the needs of your creation.
He uses Hasselblad H6D-400C Multi-Shot with images captures starting at 100million Mega-pixels and increasing to 400million Mega-pixels, your scan will have the variability and resolution needed for a wide array of printing needs.
Once we have the digital file and original we will print a proof. At that point the you can come in and make sure the print is the best representation of your artwork.
With your artwork digitally captured, you are now able to order as many prints as you need in various sizes.
The cost for this service, for any size original, is $75/per piece of art.